Apr 20, 2020 | Company News
Announcing that the film documentary called “WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT AI” is Internationally released today and that our very own Prof Andy Pardoe, was one of the AI advisors to the director Leanne Pooley and the production team. He is in very good company,...
Mar 26, 2020 | Process and Change
COVID-19 is a crisis on many levels from the health of nations to the stability of the world economy. While the immediate concerns are around reducing the spread of the virus, the financial and mental health impacts are only starting to become transparent. While...
Mar 17, 2020 | Government, Research and Innovation
The application of artificial intelligence within the healthcare industry has been relatively common for decades, with many PhD students applying machine learning techniques to various medical diagnostic tasks, but these have just been studies and typically not...
Jan 27, 2020 | Process and Change, Research and Innovation
We often get asked where to use AI. This is both a very easy but also a very difficult question to answer. The simple answer to the question is that you can use AI across the organisation, in all departments, front-office and back-office, from customer engagement to...